Tired or Inspired? Partnering for Positive Change in Education Technology
They say that the only constant in life is change. From teaching to technology and from administration to families at home, everybody is impacted by change.
How can we take the impetus for change to Education Technologies and turn it into a catalyst for innovation and adoption? In this series, industry experts join forces to discuss the many facets of change in Ed Tech and how to get the most out of big projects.
Thursday, October 39 | 4-6am PST
Here is a description of what the webinar will be about and kept to one to two sentences filler text.
EP1: Preparing for change
EP2: Changing Spaces – Pivoting Formats
Format agility is a new thing in this pandemic.
You will learn how:
EP3: Changing to progressive practices
EP4: Change and the User Experience
The slides used in the presentation can be downloaded here. Access the helpful User Experience Checklist here.
EP5: Framing Change, Welcoming Our Champions
EP6: Leading Change
Alma demos are fully customized to focus on what's important to you and your school.
We usually start with a brief discussion of your current solution and needs, then show you a live, online demo of the features you're most interested in seeing.
We know you're busy, so we'll call or email you to schedule a one-on-one demo when it's convenient for you. Demos average around 30 minutes, but can be as short or long as you like.